Member-only story
Use Pain to Leverage Success
Do you remember the very first lie you were ever caught telling?
You might’ve been just a child when your parents caught you with chocolate around your mouth, but you swore you don’t know what happened to the chocolate chip cookies.
Your parents might’ve told you to go to your room or maybe you naturally just ran into your room and started to cry from the guilt of lying for the first time.
Fast forward to high school. You try out for the basketball team and get cut, but all your friends make the team.
The girl you like rejects your love letter. Or worse, the girl you’re already dating breaks up with you because ‘it’s just not working out.’
Failing college courses, flopping on job interviews, or the loss of a loved one.
All of these are painful experiences. None of them are pleasant, but they are what build and develop our character. Life is guaranteed to be tough, but it’s how we respond to adversity that makes us who we are and drives us forward.
Pain makes or breaks us
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who respond well to pain and those who fold under the pressure…